Sea Shanties Sea shanties were a type of
work song used on ships especially in the nineteenth century. They served to coordinate efforts of
sailors while trimming the sails, raising anchor, lifting cargo, and
performing other shipboard tasks.
Different kinds of shanties pertained to |
each task, such as capstan, halyard, and ceremonial
shanties. Why did sailors use sea
shanties? The songs aided in coordination
and maintaining energy of sailors during long-lasting, repetitive work. But they also provided a means of
expression and relaxation. They were
often handed down orally to become a defining part of the culture on ships. Short haul shanties were
used for tasks requiring hard pulls over a short amount of time, such as
trimming the sails and raising the masthead.
Capstan shanties were for long tasks that could last for hours. The capstan was a round object with holes
in the top, so that sailors could insert bars and march in circles, to raise
or lower the anchor. Sailors kept
rhythm by stamping on the deck and singing the words of the shanty. Halyard shanties were sung
during raising and lowering of sails.
One member of the crew would climb up the rigging and loosen the
sails, which could weigh over 1,000 pounds.
The rest of the crew would take hold of a rope attached to the sails
called a halyard. During the chorus of
the song, the crew would pull the halyard to lower the sails. Ceremonial shanties were
also sung after work, since singing was a popular activity for relaxation as
well. Shanties would tell stories of
battles, romance, homesickness, and adventures at sea. Shanties were especially sung during
celebrations or when the ship reached important geographic locales. Some lyrics to the shanty
“Blow the Man Down” read: “Come all ye young fellows that follow the sea; To
me, way hey, blow the man down; Now please pay attention and listen to me;
Give me some time to blow the man down.
I’m a deep water sailor just come from Hong Kong; You give me some
whiskey, I’ll sing you a song…” In
general, shanties were rhythmic, multi-cultural due to crews consisting of
sailors from all around the world, and often humorous. To hear sea shanties sung,
check out Sailors'
Songs and Sea Shanties |
in this article was adapted in part from Songs
of the Sailor |
All articles (c) 1999-2006 by LIFTOFF! |